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Nationality: France
Gender: Male


Université Félix Houphouët Boigny (Cocody-bât. IRD)
01 BP 6483 Abidjan 01
Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire
Phone: +225 07 79 34 93 75
Email: christian.chabrier@cirad.fr
Skype name:  xan.chabrier
Type of organisation: Research, Public, Non-profit
Geographical scope: International

Main professional activity: Research
Professional qualifications:

- Nematodes extraction, identification, ecology, population management
- Weevils management
- weed management

Main skills:

Mycosphaerella leaf spots
Biological and other non-chemical control
Integrated pest management

Describe past or present professional activities relevant to bananas:

- 8 years of researches on pesticides vs. pests and diseases of banana (nematodes, weevils, Mycosphaerella leaf spot) ,
- 14 years of research on ecology and population management of nematodes and weevils;
(6 years of research on i) nematodes and ii) virus-like diseases of other crops; 8 years of project management and direction of a research center)

Languages: English, French, Spanish
MusaContacts mailing list: Yes
Last updated: Saturday July 27, 2024 11:44:06 CEST