
Beatrice Nakhauka

Beatrice Ekesa

Nationality: Kenya
Gender: Female

Alliance-Bioversity International-CIAT

Plot 106 Katalima Road
P.O. Box 24384

Email: b.ekesa@cgiar.org
Skype name:  b.ekesa.o
Type of organisation: Research, , Non-profit
Geographical scope: International

Main professional activity: Research
Professional qualifications: Over 10 years experience working on assessing and optimising the potential contribution of agri-food systems to food and nutrition security. PhD in Foods and Nutrition with special focus on retention and bioaccessibility of provitamin A carotenoids in banana and banana-based dishes consumed in East and Central Africa and an Msc in Community Nutrition and Development; thesis title 'The role of Agrobiodiversity on dietary diversity and nutrition status of small holder households of Western Kenya
Describe past or present professional activities relevant to bananas:
-Carrying out research on 'Addressing micronutrient deficiencies in sub-Saharan Africa through Musa-based foods' This involves: testing the agronomic and acceptability performance of banana varieties naturally rich in provitamin A carotenoids but originally from Outside Africa, capacity building on appropriate utilisation of banana in diets, participatory development of banana-based nutrient rich dishes and dissemination of preferred and selected vitamin A rich banana varieties to farmers.
Languages: English, French, Swahili
MusaContacts mailing list: Yes
Last updated: Saturday February 15, 2025 13:53:51 CET