
Deborah Alice

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Nationality: Uganda
Gender: Female

Phone: + (256) 772 50 89 51
Fax: + (256) 414 286949
Email: dkaramura@gmail.com
Skype name:  deborah.alice32
Type of organisation: Research, Public, Non-profit
Geographical scope: International

Main professional activity: Research
Professional qualifications:

Plant genetic resources conservation and management.
Handling Multivariate data packages and techniques
Herbarium management and maintenance
Functional classification for identification of regeneration niches of plant species, effective restoration and regeneration strategies

Describe past or present professional activities relevant to bananas:
Training University students (East Africa) in identification and morphological characterization of banana landraces and other plant groups associated with bananas, Measuring Musa diversity using NTSYSpc package of Rohlf. as well as creating innovative approaches for mobilizing and supporting farming communities in East Africa in the quest to advance banana diversity conservation on farm.
Languages: English
MusaContacts mailing list: Yes
Last updated: Sunday September 15, 2024 05:30:04 CEST