

Walter Ocimati

Nationality: Uganda
Gender: Male

Alliance-Bioversity International-CIAT
Plot 106, Katalima Road, P.O. Box 24384,
Uganda 256
Phone: +256782 054630
Email: W.ocimati@cgiar.org
Skype name:  ocimatiw
Type of organisation: Development, , Non-profit
Geographical scope: International

Main professional activity: Research
Professional qualifications: BSc in Agriculture (researched on Cassava mosaic disease), MSc in crop sciences (researched on bean agronomy and management of fungal root rots) and currently undertaking a PhD study on "Agro-ecological intensification of banana production systems currently under the stress of banana bacterial wilt.
Main skills:

Bacterial diseases
Fusarium wilt
Host pathogen interactions
Germplasm evaluation
Germplasm collecting

Describe past or present professional activities relevant to bananas:
Over the past seven years I have been involved in research on: the epidemiology and management of Xanthomonas wilt of banana (XW); Musa germplasm diversity collection, characterisation and evaluation in east and central African region. I am also involved in studies to map the risk of XW in the region and other banana growing areas of Africa, XW impacts on land use and key ecosystem services and agro-ecological intensification strategies for improving banana systems.
Languages: English
MusaContacts mailing list: Yes
Last updated: Saturday December 7, 2024 09:25:23 CET